
Putwim two
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By Jane Taylor on 28 Nov 2021







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Via Putney Green Man, Putney Common, Tippet's Corner, Wimbledon Common and Wimbledon Village.
Plenty of the sort of green spaces this part of London is known for, and a few necessary roads, also reasonably direct.

This route is a rework of Putwim One; it corrects the random drawing on Wimbledon Common, and makes a few other alterations, better to use the commons, and takes a quieter route into/out of Wimbledon.

Can be muddy after rain; a few steps downhill on the way into Wimbledon (or uphill on the way out). Refreshments at Putney Green Man, including a decent roadside takeaway cafe-hut by the buses if you don't fancy the pub (or its too early); and at Wimbledon Village

Via Putney Green Man, Putney Common, Tippet's Corner, Wimbledon Common and Wimbledon Village.
Plenty of the sort of green spaces this part of London is known for, and a few necessary roads, also reasonably direct.

This route is a rework of Putwim One; it corrects the random drawing on Wimbledon Common, and makes a few other alterations, better to use the commons, and takes a quieter route into/out of Wimbledon.

Can be muddy after rain; a few steps downhill on the way into Wimbledon (or uphill on the way out). Refreshments at Putney Green Man, including a decent roadside takeaway cafe-hut by the buses if you don't fancy the pub (or its too early); and at Wimbledon Village


This route has been reviewed by 4 people.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 4

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Is this route good enough? -  Yes (4)

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Downloads - 4


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref TQ2398075091
Lat / Lon 51.46122° / -0.21674°
Easting / Northing 523,980E / 175,091N
What3Words factories.whips.slave
Grid Ref TQ2477170654
Lat / Lon 51.42117° / -0.20692°
Easting / Northing 524,771E / 170,654N
What3Words swung.reap.park

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



10 May 2024 Spring

I walked from Putney to Wimbledon.
The beginning is a monotonous Road but past the bus yard it gets into lovely woodland. Cool shade on this hot day but still mud and deep puddles out of the sun.
More roads to end with. What a contrast Putney and Wimbledon streets are.
Good route, direct, easy to navigate. If the muddy paths dry firm and flat it will be okay for chairs and buggies.

Derick Rethans

10 Dec 2023 Autumn

I walked this on an afternoon, it had rained in the morning, from Putney to Wimbledon.

The first section is a bit of a slog up the hill, although the traffic was light. After rounding the Putney Heath bus station (snack bar!), and going underneath the roundabout, the route becomes more pleasant. The sections through the woods were nice (photo #1, #2, #3), but it was all fairly muddy. I think it's fairly easy to find a less muddy, but slightly longer, route, following the main path. There was virtually nobody else around.

The section through Wimbledon Village was alright, and full of Christmas markets and choppers. Then it leaves Wimbledon High Road for a bit, but I don't think that improved the route — except that there were no people.

A good route though, but probably much nicer in summer.


11 Aug 2023 Summer

I actually started at Westleigh Avenue (off Putney Hill) as I'd come from Richmond. The café at Putney Heath was useful (toilet there too (20p)). Once on Wimbledon Common I followed the obvious main path, which ends up near the windmill (café and toilets), and then the broad cycle path towards Rushmere Pond and Wimbledon Village. Slightly longer than walking next to the main road, but much more pleasant. Lingfield Road avoids the High Street then Oldfield Road leads into Sunnyside Passage and Malcolm Road.

Jane Taylor

05 Dec 2021 Autumn

This route has a good balance of directness/pleasantness - it swerves a bit to take in Wimbledon and Putney Commons but it's well worth the swerve, a more direct route would be pavement walk all the way.

Putney Hill is always busy with traffic and there really isn't an alternative. At the top of the hill there is the Green Man (pub, but I prefer the roadside cabin cafe by the bus terminus, see photo), and the route arrives at Putney Common, where it follows a path (may be wet) to the A3 underpass at Tippet's Corner.
Across Putney and Wimbledon commons is mostly woodland bridle path, and can get muddy (photo).
I arrived at Wimbledon village in time for a farmers' market (Sunday morning).
After passing through the village, the route diverts away from the main road, and follows quiet residential streets down a steep hill (some steps) to the meeting point at Wimbledon station.

Verdict - excellent route connecting two major urban centres in SW London, highly recommended.

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Putwim one




56 m


44 m

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