YorkStamford Bridge

Yorsta two
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By Mudskipper on 16 Aug 2022







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Via Dunnington and includes Stamford Bridge viaduct. Entire route is legal by bicycle including quiet roads and cycle paths. Walking variations are possible including more footpaths

Via Dunnington and includes Stamford Bridge viaduct. Entire route is legal by bicycle including quiet roads and cycle paths. Walking variations are possible including more footpaths


This route has been reviewed by 2 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to safety.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 2

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Problems reported -  Safety (1)

Downloads - 19


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SE5965051750
Lat / Lon 53.95843° / -1.09242°
Easting / Northing 459,650E / 451,750N
What3Words actual.again.sorters
Stamford Bridge
Grid Ref SE7125655562
Lat / Lon 53.99122° / -0.91468°
Easting / Northing 471,256E / 455,562N
What3Words primary.arrow.quote

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Fraser Clarkson

16 Aug 2023 Summer

We did this walk in August 2023, This is a great walk, lots of cycleways, farm tracks and paths, mainly very dry despite lots of recent rain. We have made a slight change to this route (and created YorSta3) as I wouldn;t walk the Osbaldwick Link Road, A1079, Grimstom Bar Roundabout bit.

Luke Murray

16 Jun 2023 Spring

My Aviva colleagues and I walked this route in June 2023 as part of Aviva's volunteering scheme. The route took us approximately 3.5 hours not including a pit-stop at the lovely 'Patta Cakes' bakery in Dunnington.

The route starts at York Train Station and works through the city centre to Foss Island Retail park. After crossing a couple of busy roads at pedestrian crossing the route takes you onto a cycle path which you remain on all the way to Osbaldwick. Once passed through the pretty town of Osbaldwick, the route requires you to cross a main junction at a pedestrian crossing and walk the path alongside the busy A1079. At times this path was narrow. Next up is the crossing of the A64 roundabout. This is potentially dangerous for those unable to cross quickly enough. The route then turns off the A1079 onto York Road which lacks a pavement and so requires you to walk on the road. Given it was a nice day this didn't pose a safety concern, however if visibility was poor I would not recommend this section of the route. York Road takes you into Dunnington, a nice place to stop for refreshments. Up to this point the route was not particularly enjoyable with the majority of the walk being alongside busy roads and sheltered cycle paths.

However, the second leg of our walk from Dunnington to Stamford Bridge was much more picturesque. The route follows bridleways and walking trails through farmland. For the most part the route is firm underfoot, however there are patches where the surface is rocky, as well as sections where the trail narrows. These sections may be difficult to navigate for wheelchair users.

Overall the route was nice enough. However the section from Osbaldwick to Dunnington was not pleasant and is potentially unsafe if conditions were poor.

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York—Stamford Bridge

Yorsta one




71 m


67 m

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