
Yorhax one
Verified route

Verified Slow Way

Verified by 44.44% of reviewers

By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting York and Haxby.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting York and Haxby.

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This route has been reviewed by 9 people.

This route has been flagged (4 times) for reasons relating to safety.

Photos for Yorhax one

Photos of this route will appear when they are added to a review. You can review this route here.


Verified route

Route status - Live

Reviews - 9

Average rating -

Is this route good enough? -  Yes (4) No (2) Maybe (3)

Problems reported -  Safety (4)

Downloads - 28


What is this route like?

Surveys are submitted by fellow users of this website and show what you might expect from this Slow Ways route. Scroll down the page to read more detailed surveys.

Grade 3X based on 2 surveys Sign up or log in to survey this route.
Description Note
Grade 3: Route includes rough surfaces that may include small boulders, potholes, shallow ruts, loose gravel, short muddy sections.
Access grade X: At least one stile, flight of steps or other obstacle that is highly likely to block access for wheelchair and scooter users.
Grading is based on average scores by surveyors. This slow way has 2 surveys.
Full grading description

Only people who have completed our training can become Slow Ways surveyors and submit a survey. We do not vet contributors, so we cannot guarantee the quality or completeness of the surveys they complete. If you are dependent on the information being correct we recommend reading and comparing surveys before setting off.

Survey Photos


Facilities in the middle third of this route.

Maybe present Public toilet (2)
Maybe present Wheelchair accessible toilet (2)
Present at time of survey Supermarket (2)
Present at time of survey Restaurant (2)
Maybe present Vegan restaurant (2)
Accommodation (0)
Maybe present Accommodation < £50 (2)
Not present at time of survey Campsite (2)
Not present at time of survey Bothy (2)
Free wifi (0)
Maybe present Public phone (2)
Mobile phone coverage (0)
Not present at time of survey Train station (2)
Present at time of survey Bench (2)
Picnic table (0)
Present at time of survey Bus stop (2)
Not present at time of survey Ferry (2)


Potential challenges reported on this route. Some challenges are seasonal.

Not present at time of survey Scrambling (2)
Not present at time of survey Wading (2)
Not present at time of survey Swimming (2)
Not present at time of survey Climbing (2)
Not present at time of survey Stepping stones (2)
Present at time of survey Very slippery (2)
Present at time of survey Very muddy (2)
Present at time of survey Very icy (2)
Present at time of survey Likely to flood (2)
Long grass sections (0)
Maybe present Crops encroaching on path (2)
Maybe present Diverted path (1)


Obstacles on this route.

Present at time of survey Stiles (2)
Present at time of survey Step and kerbs (2)
Not present at time of survey Possible to avoid steps, if applicable (2)
Present at time of survey Flights of steps (2)
Gates (0)
Present at time of survey Kissing gates (2)
Locked gates (0)
Maybe present Disables access gates (1)
Cycle barriers (0)
Not present at time of survey Ladders (2)
Present at time of survey Cattle grids (2)
Not present at time of survey Fords (2)
Present at time of survey Narrow bridges (2)
Not present at time of survey Ferry required (2)
Present at time of survey Acceptable road walking (2)
Maybe present Unacceptable road walking (1)
Present at time of survey Dangerous road crossings (2)
Present at time of survey Walking on paths beside roads (2)
Not present at time of survey Walking on verges beside roads (2)
Present at time of survey Railway crossings (2)
Not present at time of survey River crossings (2)
Present at time of survey Cattle possible (2)
Horses possible (0)
Not present at time of survey Tidal area (2)
Present at time of survey Potential falls (2)
Present at time of survey Exposed to elements (2)
Not present at time of survey Remote area (2)
Not present at time of survey Mountainous area (2)
Not present at time of survey Military training area (2)
Not present at time of survey No visible path (2)
Seasonal nesting birds (0)
Other hazards (0)


Is this route step and stile free?

Not present at time of survey Free of stiles (2)
Not present at time of survey Free of single steps/kerbs (2)
Not present at time of survey Free of flights of steps (2)
Not present at time of survey Free of other obstacles (2)


Surveyors were asked to measure the narrowest and steepest parts of paths.

The narrowest part of the path is 45.5cm (2)

The steepest uphill gradient East: no data

The steepest uphill gradient West: no data

The steepest camber: no data

How clear is the waymarking on the route: Unclear in places (2)

Successfully completed

We asked route surveyors "Have you successfully completed this route with any of the following? If so, would you recommend it to someone with the same requirements?". Here is how they replied.

Small Pug-sized dog (0)
Small Labrador-sized dog (0)
Large St. Bernard-sized dog (0)
Standard pram (0)
Off-road rugged pram (0)
Standard wheelchair (0)
Off-road rugged wheelchair (0)
Standard mobility scooter (0)
Off-road rugged mobility scooter (0)

Recommended by an expert

We asked route surveyors "Are you a trained access professional, officer or expert? If so, is this route suitable for someone travelling with any of the following?" Here is how they replied.

Small Pug-sized dog (0)
Small Labrador-sized dog (0)
Large St. Bernard-sized dog (0)
Standard pram (0)
Off-road rugged pram (0)
Standard wheelchair (0)
Off-road rugged wheelchair (0)
Standard mobility scooter (0)
Off-road rugged mobility scooter (0)


We asked route surveyors to estimate how much of the route goes through different kinds of terrain.

20.0% of the route is on roads (2)

22.5% of the route is lit at night (2)

27.5% of the route is paved (2)

55.0% of the route is muddy (2)

25.0% of the route is over rough ground (2)

5.0% of the route is through long grass (2)

Report a problem with this data

2 surveys

Information from verified surveys.

3X May 2021 by Stoffy
Read survey
3X June 2021 by Yorkie Christine
Read survey

Sign up or log in to get the link to survey this route for Yorhax.

Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref SE5965051750
Lat / Lon 53.95843° / -1.09242°
Easting / Northing 459,650E / 451,750N
What3Words actual.again.sorters
Grid Ref SE6056658248
Lat / Lon 54.01671° / -1.07717°
Easting / Northing 460,566E / 458,248N
What3Words managers.wiggles.perfected

Yorhax One's land is

Arable 16.8%
Pasture 21.8%
Urban 61.3%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Vanessa Powell

08 Aug 2023 Summer

The beginning bit of the walk was lovely, walking through the corn fields towards the back of Haxby and down the river. What I didn’t expect was having to cross the northern side of the ring road. Luckily we carried out this walk on a Tuesday afternoon so it wasn’t busy but I imagine it’ll be difficult to cross it safely on a weekend or during rush hour. While walking along the river adjacent to Huntington Road the path was very narrow - not suitable for those with small children or with mobility issues. It was nice to walk along part of the city walls and experience it’s history. All in all, I’d give this walk 4 out of 5 stars.

Ciaran Mooney

30 Jun 2023 Summer

As others have said, this walk is let down by the busy road crossing that you have to do. However, apart from this, it is an enjoyable route that is not too overgrown and provides a variety of nice scenery to look at while you go past. The part of the walk where you go on the walls is particularly enjoyable but would not be suitable for wheelchairs or prams due to the steep narrow staircase you have to descend.

Anne Walkington

23 Jun 2023 Summer

This route is lovey apart from the awful crossing over York ring road. It was exceptionally difficult to cross the road (luckily someone let us across), but it would be worse at rush hour or during the weekend. I would not recommend that part of the walk; it can be avoided by following the Yorhax Two route (which uses an underpass) for the Haxby end of the walk. There is also a railway crossing, but this was very safe.

Walking along the bar walls to leave York was beautiful, although unfortunately the nature of the walls means it is not suitable for wheelchairs, or those with mobility issues.

The river section is very pleasant, but is narrowed by undergrowth in places and is unfenced, so could pose a risk to young children. I expect the footpath here would be quite muddy in winter.

Generally a good route, but spoiled by the road crossing.

Jacob Hebditch

23 Jun 2023 Summer

Lovely walk overall. The main challenges were one busy road that was hard to cross (we were waiting maybe 2-3 minutes) and quite a lot of overgrown nettles on narrow paths. YORHAX2 avoids the first of these. Fairly easy to follow the route and it covers a nice range of scenery (small villages, riverside, meadows). It was wholly safe and well marked out with good visibility throughout. There was no climbing involved or any obstacles to navigate around - though it wouldn't be very disability friendly owing to narrow gates and paths and uneven terrain.

Tom Craven

22 Jun 2023 Summer

I walked this route in reverse from Haxby to York and it was a nice route mostly along the Foss river with a couple of sections through fields and finishing along the city walls when I arrived back in York.
Rated 3 stars as there was a very busy road to crossing (A1237) and there was also a very overgrown section which narrowed the path right next to the river bank.

Route map was easy to follow. I downloaded the GPX file and loaded it into Samsung Health on my phone (as the SlowWays app wasn't available on Android). I found this was less draining on my battery than my colleague who used the SlowWays app on an iPhone.

Richard Stell

22 Jun 2023 Summer

Generally a very nice walk at dry time of year.

A lot of the route runs alongside the Foss, much of which is very pleasant.

Some stretches a little overgrown, resulting in some nettle stings and bramble scratches.

I can imagine that at a rainy time of year, the riverside track might be muddy, and thus rather difficult to traverse- possibly even dangerous.

Per other reviewer's comments, the big drawback to this route was the crossing of a major road. We had to wait a long time to do so safely, only doing so eventually due to the gallantry of a driver who slowed for us.

Yorhax two to be preferred for this reason.

Yorkie Christine

06 Jun 2021 (edited 28 Apr 2022) Spring

Mostly a good route. The route map is accurate. Near the start the route uses the City Walls walk which is only accessible via a flight of steps, but there are several alternative flat routes for those with wheels. The section up the River Foss is very attractive, though it can be muddy after rain.

However, for safety reasons I'm giving this route only 2 stars as it crosses the A1237 ring road on the level - this is a very busy road now and there is no island in the middle at that crossing point.

Andy Mulholland

25 Apr 2021 Spring

This is a great route that gives you a bit of bustle in York and then increasing quiet most of the way to Haxby which has plenty of places to grab a treat and to catch a bus back to York should you need to. The only problem is that this route takes you to a point where you need to cross the busy A1237. There is no help for pedestrians here like a bridge or even a central island and the speed limit is 60mph. I certainly wouldn't take younger children across. There is a safer route either using the underpass going from New Earswick to Haxby (less green route) or by walking further up the River Foss (sometimes muddy after heavy) which goes under the ring road and rejoins Landing Lane which is where you would have ended up had you crossed the busy road.

  • Yorkterrier


    22 May 2021

    I definitely agree with crossing the ring road and you have described the greener but, at times, muddier route through to Earswick and under the road bridge which is the route of the public footpaths

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Caroline Lewis

25 Apr 2021 Spring

We walked this on a lovely sunny April day. Most of the walk hugs the Foss and the water gets clearer the nearer you get to Haxby. Flowers, trees, interesting back gardens to look into. We didn't spot any but there are kingfishers and even otters if you're lucky. Route was easy to follow, level and easy walking. We dawdled rather particularly round York city walls, and stopped off for coffee and cake at The Hound Lounge at New Earswick, so it took us around 3 hours. Regular buses run from Haxby to bring you back to the start.

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Yorhax two







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