Woburn SandsFlitwick

Wobufli one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Woburn Sands and Flitwick.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Woburn Sands and Flitwick.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Woburn Sands
Grid Ref SP9246936397
Lat / Lon 52.01831° / -0.65390°
Easting / Northing 492,469E / 236,397N
What3Words comedy.divisions.notched
Grid Ref TL0338834984
Lat / Lon 52.00369° / -0.49526°
Easting / Northing 503,388E / 234,984N
What3Words zoomed.amounting.wired

Wobufli One's land is

Arable 41.9%
Pasture 29.5%
Urban 25.3%
Woods 3.3%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



09 Jun 2021 Spring

This was a pleasant route with no major challenges being mostly on tracks or good footpaths/bridleways and where there was some road walking there was generally pavements or verges. Way marking was generally pretty good. There were no stiles but there were at least 10 kissing gates, so while all-terrain push chairs would have been okay because they could be lifted over, much of it (first half particularly) would not be wheelchair accessible. There are a number of options for refreshment breaks on the way (Anchor pub in Aspley Guise, White Horse in Husborne Crawley closed at present, Rose and Crown pub and Firs guest House & cafe in Ridgmont, and the French Horn and Drovers Arms in Steppingley).

Leaving Woburn Sands station you quickly turn off past some houses and then into fields before going over the railway and then across a golf course, more fields and then into Aspley Guise. Here there is a little road walking but quickly you get onto footpaths that take you through Crawley Park lands with some nice views, then through a small wood before on through fields of sheep onto the Crawley Road. There is then a stretch along the road here before you cut off on a footpath through fields and then up Lydds Lane into Ridgmont. I would suggest perhaps a nice alternative would be to go down Horsepool Lane and take the paths from the Crawley Gate through the safari park and then out of the Ridgmont Gate onto Ridgmont High Street. It would be a similar distance and perhaps more interesting.

From Ridgmont you take a footpath to Segenhoe church and then on through fields down to a road. At one point we were supposed to take a footpath diagonally through a field but this has not been kept clear this year so I ended up going along the top of the field and then across it on the Greensands Ridge Way - a little bit further but much easier and less damaging than wading though head high barley. It should be possible to take that path at other times (I have done so) but actually going on the John Bunyan trail through Maltings spinney and then turning right onto the Greensands Ridge way is a nice alternative that people might prefer any way.

Having got onto the road the next stage takes you along there and under the motorway before heading on a footpath through fields until you come out on to a road on the outskirts of Steppingley. You stay on roads until you are out of the village and then take a broad bridle path up to join the John Bunyan Way. Then it is broad paths that take you into footpaths through housing on the edge of Flitwick and to the station there.

All in all pretty easy going through very pleasant, if not spectacular countryside.

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