Wimborne MinsterPoole

Wimpoo one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Wimborne Minster and Poole.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Wimborne Minster and Poole.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Wimborne Minster
Grid Ref SZ0096599920
Lat / Lon 50.79883° / -1.98767°
Easting / Northing 400,965E / 99,920N
What3Words squirts.kitten.version
Grid Ref SZ0126191075
Lat / Lon 50.71929° / -1.98349°
Easting / Northing 401,261E / 91,075N
What3Words vague.learns.tools

Wimpoo One's land is

Arable 1.7%
Estuary 4.1%
Marshes 5.2%
Moors 5.3%
Pasture 9.7%
Urban 65.4%
Woods 8.5%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



11 Jun 2024 Spring

I have cycled this route a number of times with and without children. I have reviewed this route from Poole to Wimborne so bear in mind if doing in reverse. The first part of the route handrails Holes bay on the left following signs for Upton country park, (Photo 1, don't miss the path off to the right to take you up and over the train line). You will skirt around Upton country park, upon reaching the entrance to the park there is a slip road to the right that comes off the dual carriage way so take care in crossing as cars can come along here at speed. You will need to pass under the carriage way which can be by way of a bridal way (Photo 2), this can be muddy in the winter but will take you under the two roads onto/off of the roundabout a little further along. A further underpass will take you under Longmeadow Lane and on to the access to the Roman Road.
Follow signs for Broadstone along the Roman road and up onto the Castleman trail, (Photo 3 up the steep path to the right before passing under the bridge). Once on the Castleman trail you will follow a big gravel path all the way to Broadstone (after approximately 1 mile you will see signs for NCN 25). Once you have reached Broadstone and passed under the roundabout, keep to the left of the sports center, (Photo 4, follow the timber fence). After around half a mile be sure to pass over the foot bridge to the right (Photo 5) as you reach the Golf course and continue on the way to Wimborne. Once at the Willet Arms pub follow the road into Wimborne over Canford bridge, (there is a pedestrian bridge on the left hand side). This is an easy, level, well signposted route, with stops for refreshments and good access to bus routes at Upton Country Park and Broadstone. This is a safe route though care should be taken on exiting Upton Country Park. The route is accurate, I have given descriptions as best I can where the straight line between points deviates from the path.

Rob Wells

05 Nov 2023 Autumn

This is the most sensible route from Wimborne to Poole. A very nice, nearly all off road route.

Jon P

16 Sep 2021 Summer

The route follows the Castleman Trailway for much of the length. This is an old railway line and therefore is flat and easy to walk on, however is slightly muddy in winter. Through Upton country park there is one large farmers gate, and a decent gravel track/path. The route then joins the fully pathed path along the edge of Holes bay to Poole station and town centre. I think this route would not present many access issues, and the vast majority of the route is well away from any motor traffic. The route passes close to Broadstone high street for mid walk refreshments, and there are shops and facilities at either end in Wimbourne Minster and Poole town centre. Bus services are in Wimbourne Minster, Broadstone and Poole, and rail station at Poole.

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