
Uckhea one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Uckfield and Heathfield.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Uckfield and Heathfield.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref TQ4728320885
Lat / Lon 50.96856° / 0.09623°
Easting / Northing 547,283E / 120,885N
What3Words disarmed.waistcoat.unlocking
Grid Ref TQ5795821425
Lat / Lon 50.97058° / 0.24837°
Easting / Northing 557,958E / 121,425N
What3Words overlooks.puffed.retract

Uckhea One's land is

Arable 4.8%
Pasture 62.4%
Urban 23.7%
Woods 9.0%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



27 May 2024 Spring

I walked this today (27th May 2024) after a very wet winter and after it had rained all night and most of the morning.
It's a really fantastic walk through the Sussex Weald with woods, meadows and lovely villages. The Blackboys Inn is an excellent pub and is almost exactly halfway along the route too.
But there are a few issues with the route: firstly, it was really really muddy and my friends without proper walking boots got really wet feet. Secondly, the track hasn't been drawn especially well and the footpath across the railway near Uckfield has been closed permanently (as the previous reveiwer notes). Thirdly, through some of the woods there are all sorts of paths going here, there and everywhere and I found it a challenge to navigate using a GPS. I think it would be reasonably challenging to follow this route accurately without GPS assistance. Fourthly, some of the steps, stiles and bridges were in pretty crap condition and we had to climb over a gate at one point as it had been locked. Some of the paths were a little overgrown too, but nothing you couldn't squeeze past!
In summary: I think this route is *ok* for a Slow Way but no better so 3 stars feels about right. I have redrawn the route (Uckhea2) to include the path diversion and tidy up the track in places. If you're planning to walk this route and it's been raining recently, be prepared for mud! Was fantastic fun to walk though and there's now a regular bus between Uckfield and Heathfield so makes for a great day's walk.

Bostal Boy

04 May 2023 (edited 05 May 2023) Spring

Walked at the beginning of May after a very wet winter which continued through April. This is a lovely walk through the High Weald following sections of both the Weald Way and the Vanguard Way. It follows field and woodland paths and some quiet lanes with very little traffic. The paths have the potential to be soggy and muddy but I found them starting to dry up. There are lots of stiles, kissing gates, flights of steps and footbridges. The latter usually have barriers at knee height to prevent livestock crossing.

There is one change to the plotted route, an official path diversion, as one of the crossings over the railway line by Hempstead Farm is now permanently closed. The diversion takes you to the next crossing which has been recently repaired. It involves steps down into a cutting and then back out again. The diversion is well-signed and I have posted a picture of the map on one of the signs. This diversion probably requires an UCKHEA2, but no other changes are required.

The route passes two good country pubs; the Blackboys Inn at Blackboys and the Star Inn at Waldron, other than that I didn't see any other facilities. The path also passes Tickerage Mill at Blackboys which was the last home of Vivien Leigh in the 1960s.

The walk took me about five hours with stops for lunch, refreshments and a couple of sight-seeing diversions.

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