
Thieas two
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Verified Slow Way

Verified by 100.00% of reviewers

By Tim Ryan on 02 Nov 2022







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This pleasant route follows a similar line to Thieas(one). However, there are a couple of places where the route on the ground deviates from that shown on the Thieas(one) map. These are at Peep O Day, where the permissive path is to the east side of the farmhouse. And at Ings Bridge near Husthwaite, were a path cutting off a field corner is blocked off. This alternative shows the route I used on the ground. There is also an alternative included at the Thirsk end where the route uses the pavement on the north side of the A170 between the town centre and Green Lane at Plumpback farm. Which then continues down the by-way to Moor Lane and Bagby. There are pubs at Bagby, Carlton Husthwaite and Husthwaite. There are stiles along the route

This pleasant route follows a similar line to Thieas(one). However, there are a couple of places where the route on the ground deviates from that shown on the Thieas(one) map. These are at Peep O Day, where the permissive path is to the east side of the farmhouse. And at Ings Bridge near Husthwaite, were a path cutting off a field corner is blocked off. This alternative shows the route I used on the ground. There is also an alternative included at the Thirsk end where the route uses the pavement on the north side of the A170 between the town centre and Green Lane at Plumpback farm. Which then continues down the by-way to Moor Lane and Bagby. There are pubs at Bagby, Carlton Husthwaite and Husthwaite. There are stiles along the route


This route has been reviewed by 4 people.

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Route status - Live

Reviews - 4

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Is this route good enough? -  Yes (4)

There are currently no problems reported with this route.

Downloads - 5


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SE4296482090
Lat / Lon 54.23274° / -1.34240°
Easting / Northing 442,964E / 482,090N
What3Words surcharge.blaze.rinse
Grid Ref SE5292069820
Lat / Lon 54.12154° / -1.19183°
Easting / Northing 452,920E / 469,820N
What3Words herds.shudders.snowmen

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Andrew Davies

03 Jun 2024 Spring

An excellent route, quite direct but off road, mainly on farm tracks, quiet lanes and the grassy edges of fields. When I walked the only place open for lunch was the Carlton Inn. The road into Thirsk seems a much better option than the route one, where the paths don't seem to exist and the fields are wild.


06 Nov 2023 Autumn

I agree with the 2 previous reviewers and suggest that this route be accepted. I’ve included some photos that show you have to climb an electric fence at a footbridge approaching Peep-o-Day. It is insulated and safe but be aware.

Philip Le Marquand

05 Oct 2023 Autumn

I thought this was a great route, full of interest and great scenery. Mostly on footpaths, field edges etc. My only problem was the weather on the day I walked it, which meant everything was wet and e ery bit of mud was an accident waiting to happen . I won't mark down the route because of the weather though.

Tim Ryan

02 Nov 2022 Autumn

This route worked for me on a very wet day throughout. It is well signed, safe and apart from a short section on the caravan route on Mill Dike Lane near Carlton Husthwaite all the road sections are on quiet roads or are paved - even this section of 100 metres length has a wide grass verge at the side. Good refreshment stops on route.

  • Philip Le Marquand

    Philip Le Marquand

    05 Oct 2023

    I'm setting out from Easingwold on a wet day so appreciate the mention of the conditions in your review.

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