
Snatho three
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Verified by 100.00% of reviewers

By Keith Greenwood on 19 Feb 2024







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Although this is a longer route between Snaith and Thorne, it is a much safer route than SNATHO ONE and SNATHO TWO., It starts by following the Trans Pennine Trail through the pleasant countryside. It uses long stretches of canal side paths which provide very safe passage and provide very interesting views. There are opportunities along the route for refreshment stops. I would be happy to walk this route again

Although this is a longer route between Snaith and Thorne, it is a much safer route than SNATHO ONE and SNATHO TWO., It starts by following the Trans Pennine Trail through the pleasant countryside. It uses long stretches of canal side paths which provide very safe passage and provide very interesting views. There are opportunities along the route for refreshment stops. I would be happy to walk this route again


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SE6415522149
Lat / Lon 53.69188° / -1.02993°
Easting / Northing 464,155E / 422,149N
What3Words resides.broom.aimed
Grid Ref SE6880113209
Lat / Lon 53.61095° / -0.96156°
Easting / Northing 468,801E / 413,209N
What3Words pasting.episode.saturate

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Brian Naylor

06 Jun 2024 Spring

Start at the Fire Station in Snaith. Walk along the High Street with the church on your right. You will reach the Crosshill memorial garden with a drinking fountain, Turn left on Pontefract Road, passing the petrol station. Onwards to Court Road and then Butt Lane where you need to turn right. Follow the signs for the Trans Pennine Trail, turning right up Spa well Lane. The path will take you to Finnleys Lane where you need to turn right and walk over M62. Look to your left towards the circle of tall trees. This is the site of a medieval Hunting Lodge which was converted into a Manor House by King Edward !! It had a moat around it. some of which survives to this day. Follow the road around the bend and straight on a track. No pavement here TAKE CARE. Follow the track round a left bend and then turn right . Pleasant open countryside This will take you onto Berridge Lane,where you need to turn sharp left. Follow the road, taking care as there is no footpath. Go over the canal bridge and keep straight on until you reach a track on the right (Trans Pennine Trail). Follow this track as it bends to the left eventually reaching a bridge over the River Went. NB This area is prone to flooding in winter months,
Go over the bridge and walk up Topham Ferry Lane, turning right onto Bate Lane and left onto Starkbridge Lane ( all these lanes are well signposted) Turn left onto Broad Lane. There is a pub here for refreshment. Turn right onto Kirk Lane. Go over the canal, turn right and walk on the tow path on the left hand side of the canal. When you reach Sykehouse Lock, switch to the right hand side of the canal.
When you reach BRAITHWAITE turn right, then left down Braithwaite Lane. In the summer months you can get refreshments here. Turn left down Low Lane. Go over a bridge and keep on Low Lane over River Don, NB Prone to flooding in this area in Winter months. After crossing the River Don, turn left on canal side path, keeping the canal on your right. Keep on the canal path until you reach the bridge at Stainforth, where you need to leave the canal side and walk up the path on to the bridge, turning right over the canal. Turn left to re join the canal. but this time on the right hand tow path. NB You have to walk through the garden of the New Inn. You may want to stop here for refreshment and there are a couple of shops nearby. Keep on the canal side all the way to THORNE.
When you reach Thorne Lock, go over the canal bridge and walk down Lock Lane. Nearby is Thorne Park where there is a miniature railway.
Keep on Lock Lane, turning right onto Queen Street. Walk on Queen Street and then straight along Finkle Street. There are lots of shops, cafes and toilets here.
When you reach the end of Finkle Street, you have reached your destination.

Quite a long walk, but wonderful open country scenery and for the most part away from traffic. It felt safe.


28 May 2024 Spring

Started on this walk from Snaith Station via West Cowick then on to Pollington.Then over the Aire and Calder canal towards Sykehouse,crossing over the River Went into South Yorkshire.The river was very high and sometimes this route is impassable after very heavy rain. Onwards to the village hall for a well deserved break! Short walk then to The canal bank with a long straight towards Braithwaite where we crossed over on to a short road towards the river Don,take the second public footpath sign in between the river and the canal.Follow this path all the way to Stainforth Bridge where we crossed over to the other bank.Carried on passed the pub beer garden( on a sunny day good spot for quick pint) Then we followed the canal all the way into Thorne where there are plenty of places to eat.All in all a very enjoyable ,flat walk along side rivers and canals.

Keith Greenwood

19 Feb 2024 Winter

Although quite a long route, the key thing about this walk is that it is SAFE, whereas the other two alternatives are not. It starts by following The Trans Pennine Trail through the countryside between Snaith and Sykehouse. A pleasant walk through Sykehouse with a chance for refreshment at a pub. Then a long straight stretch on a very pleasant canal side path to Braithwaite where there is another opportunity for refreshments. A short stretch of quiet roadside walking takes you over the River Don and then onto another canal side path which goes right into Thorne with a chance for refreshments at Stainforth along the way. I would certainly walk it again and recommended it to other walkers.

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Snatho one




44 m


48 m


Snatho two







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