
Porbri one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Portishead and Bristol.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Portishead and Bristol.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

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Problems reported -  Safety (2)

Downloads - 12


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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Grid Ref ST4674676449
Lat / Lon 51.48447° / -2.76832°
Easting / Northing 346,746E / 176,449N
What3Words riverside.whispers.crusted
Grid Ref ST5894073546
Lat / Lon 51.45939° / -2.59239°
Easting / Northing 358,940E / 173,546N
What3Words dollar.perky.study

Porbri One's land is

Arable 13.2%
Estuary 17.8%
Green urban 0.1%
Marshes 2.4%
Pasture 15.7%
Urban 45.0%
Woods 5.8%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Russ Millward

28 May 2024 Spring

Hi, PortBri1 - I walked / reviewed this on Thursday 23rd May. I started at 10:45.

Straightforward start, well paved paths through Portishead marina and immediate area.

Need to be careful on Sheep way, towards Pill, as no path for about half of it, and major bus route!

Grassy path through Portbury village well maintained and easy to follow. Once you’ve gone past the church and into the field, ensure you go through gate on left and not follow field around to the right.

As you leave field to head towards Marlcombe road, too overgrown to use stile, so I climbed the gate (see pic)
Then be v careful as busy road to cross

Having headed up Marlcombe road I would heed a warning here, you get the opportunity to follow a lane on the left at traffic lights in Easton in Gordano, but route suggests carry on up Marlcombe road BUT THERE IS NO PATH ON THIS VERY BUSY ROAD, for a while, then you can pick one up, before you turn left at Easton cricket club. I carried on for sake of this route review but would recommend diverting left up St George’s hill at traffic lights if you don’t want to walk in bus lane for 200 + metres, however, there is then an option to take footpath (easy to miss) on right but route suggests stay on road for a few more metres, but then remember to take opportunity to get off the road signposted ‘nature reserve’, follow well walked path and opposite the ‘Rudleigh’ pub (sadly closed down) cross road and head through middle of cricket club field towards Pill.

Well signposted easy to follow paths through Pill

Stopped at 12:30 for a sandwich (brought with me, no cafes on route so far ) approx 6 miles to go!

After following signposts from Pill to the river path it’s a nice down hill section to the well trodden, well documented river path that follows the river into Bristol harbourside, you can’t go wrong from here as you follow the river, see and walk under the Clifton Suspension bridge and on to the Cumberland basin and Bristol Harbourside. Great route, I’d highly recommend.


05 Oct 2021 Autumn

This rating in no way reflects the quality of the whole route but it is a no from me as currently mapped because part of the suggested way along the A369 east of the motorway junction has no pavement and is dangerous.

The alternative of using the adjacent road into and out of Easton-in-Gordano was not great at 3pm on a school day. The section going downhill into the village was quite busy and as there is no pavement and the road partly overhung by trees, I was hopping in and out of the driveways of houses to avoid the traffic and would have felt safer wearing hi-viz.

I also tried crossing the A369 at either end of the part of the route passing through a field on the south side of the main road here and found the westernmost of the two fairly scary when approached from the north side. There is no view of the road until you are almost on the carriageway with traffic very likely thundering close by.

My general feeling is that the whole slightly complicated section from the Sheepway at Elm Tree Farm to Pill could be rerouted along the route 26 cycleway around the back of Portbury Dock. It is not the most exciting of paths for a walker (but fun on a bike) but is a similar distance, completely avoids the problem area, and I’m pretty sure makes the whole of the route wheelable.

Otherwise this route is fine and I have enjoyed the section along the Avon between Pill and Bristol many times. At Hotwells in Bristol it is easy and much nicer to go along the dockside rather than using the longer loop round the back on the main road.

  • Jezzyka


    27 Oct 2023

    I agree with this comment. There was an alternative route on this site I thought but now I can't find it.

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04 Oct 2021 Autumn

The section on the A369, next to easton in gordano by J19 is unpaved this can be avoided by following the B road in Easton in Gordano, although the road is still busy and care should be taken. The section from Pill to Bristol is fantastic!.

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Porbri two







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