
Orpsev one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Orpington and Sevenoaks.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Orpington and Sevenoaks.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref TQ4611465896
Lat / Lon 51.37333° / 0.09787°
Easting / Northing 546,114E / 165,896N
What3Words gates.deck.truth
Grid Ref TQ5233655351
Lat / Lon 51.27694° / 0.18269°
Easting / Northing 552,336E / 155,351N
What3Words turns.fairly.fruit

Orpsev One's land is

Arable 24.7%
Pasture 16.2%
Urban 47.5%
Woods 11.6%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



31 Mar 2024 Spring

For me, this one is around 3.5/5, but because it doesn't quite measure up to other routes that I've given 4 stars for, I've rounded down to 3.

This is a good, practical route between Orpington and Sevenoaks. Where the bits are good, they're really good - wide tracks, nice landscapes, and easy to navigate. I loved the paths through the woodlands and overlooking the North Downs. The lunch spot we got close to the lake in Chipstead was a beautiful place to take a break for lunch.

What knocks the rating for me are the many busy road crossings where drivers come at quite fast speeds and some of the spots where you have to share the road with motor vehicles. Compared to some other routes, the road sharing here isn't terrible, but if traffic gets any busier it isn't very pleasant.

Scott Johnson

24 Jun 2023 Summer

Great walk

Like the others slight diversion by the farm
Then some very overgrown nettles about 200 yards worth

But all round lovely walk.

Daisy C

06 Oct 2022 (edited 28 Nov 2022) Autumn

This was an enjoyable walk but I confess I missed out the first 1/3, only starting from Knockholt station (which is near to Pratt's Bottom but not very near Knockholt) then onwards to Sevenoaks station. It's commuter belt rural and has some very lovely sections in the rolling downland. Chevening village and church were a particular treat to see, chocolate box pretty. Quite a lot of the footpaths and roads run between hedges, so not as many views as you might hope for. and the chance of a view over the Weald from the edge of the North Downs was blocked by woodland.

The footpath confusion around Fairtrough Farm seems to be a perennial problem, not just for Slow-way-farers. The path was moved (around 2004!) and now is a few hundred metres so west of the farmyard entrance track, right before the next access track. Coming from the north, shortly before you reach the road there a gate into the field to the right (sign saying Dogs on Leads) then skirt across the edge to another small gate, pop across the road, through another gate onto a woodland path which is rather beautiful. No need to walk along the road. Screenshot with map showing the current route of that footpath is attached, god knows why the Ordnance Survey maps are still showing the old path.

A little later the route begins a long-ish road walking section. At first with no verges, high hedges both sides and right by a tight bend. Gulp. But improving fairly quickly and actually very quiet - I only saw a handful of cars despite it being the evening rush-hour. And it is a pretty lane, especially down into and up out of the valley. There is a fairly obvious footpath alternative, which is about 1 km longer. I might try that another time, and maybe search out a nice Wealden view. Over the whole route there is more road walking but on pavements or well within village boundaries, I felt reasonably safe.

There are pubs right on the route in Pratts Bottom, Knockholt Pound and Riverhead. In K. Pound there's also a shop plus a garden centre with a good cafe. Knockholt station is easily to find, only 1 km off route. GPS failed a couple of times, take a map/print out. There are gates, kissing gates, stiles, an odd thing with chains, a long series of packed earth steps, plus protruding tree roots, lumpy flints, a fallen tree across the path, some light cow-stired mud (early Oct before the autumn rains truly kicked in) and rutted paths. And it's moderately steep for short stretches. Two bits of footpath were somewhat overgrown, but not impassable. Not great for wheelchairs or delicate fabrics.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    20 Jul 2023

    I went back and walked the rest a month or two later, forgot to update this. Still a good walk. Watch out on the short bit of road walking into Chelsfield from the north. Great sunset views from the golf course.

  • Daisy C

    Daisy C

    24 Aug 2023

    PS I I reported the business with the path line and OS maps around Fairtrough Farm to the local authority and they wrote back fairly soon and had added a new sign or yellow arrow post. Hopefully that helped the next reviewer.
    And if, like me you'd like to see the view from the edge of the North Downs, there's a diversion for that. Take the North Downs Way eastward at the crossing place after Knockholt Pound, no views for a while but there's an open bit at Star Hill which should have great ones. After coming down hill to Sundridge Road leave the NDW (which goes E along the road) by going W on same road but just for 200m, then on a footpath back to the route by the church at Chevening. It's roughly a mile longer and probably steeper but also has the temptation of a cakeshop/cafe called EatnMess at Turvins Farm (where route hits Sundridge Rd). I'll add it as an alternative route once I've had a chance to test.

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25 Apr 2021 Spring

A pleasant walk through well-heeled suburbia, chalky fields, and pretty woodland. There's a fair bit of ups-and-downs (inevitable when crossing the North Downs) and quite a bit of road walking, but where this occurs it's either on quite country lanes or slightly busier roads with pavements. There are a couple of places where busy roads have to be crossed, but generally there is either a zebra crossing, traffic lights or at the very least a traffic island in the middle to make crossing easier. The path quality is generally well signed and easy to follow (though pay attention for flying golf balls when crossing the Chelsfield Lakes Golf Course). There are steps in places, and some uneven terrain but a pair of trainers is sufficient, especially when the ground in dry.

One thing to note is that the OS Explorer map and the GPX track associated with this Slow Way are slightly out of date at Fairtrough Farm (the OS Landranger is correct though). The footpath no longer passes through Fairtrough Farm and instead emerges onto Port Lane further west. You can either use this or skip the footpath entirely by going directly along Fairtrough Rd (not heavily used by traffic) from the junction with Washneys Road/Perry Lane to the junction with Budgins Hill/Port Hill.

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