
Houric two
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By Jane Taylor on 01 Aug 2021







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Hounslow to Richmond - a reasonably direct route using mixed use roads, footpaths, parks and riverside.

This route revises Houric One, with improvements: there's a safe road crossing at Hounslow; better use of pedestrianised Hounslow High Street; corrected access point to Redlees Park, and it swerves the short length of footpath at Richmond lock that floods at high tide (in case anyone wonders why there's a wee indirect loop at that point). Feel free to ignore the swerve in dry circumstances, I think it's useful for people to know it's there if they need it!

Refreshments at Redlees Park and the Royal Oak by the Duke of Northumberland's River. Hounslow and Richmond are both good centres for refreshments, Hounslow High Street is especially good for tasty curries.

Accessibility: There are two bridges with steps. The route is almost all lit at night, but not the riverside path at Richmond

Hounslow to Richmond - a reasonably direct route using mixed use roads, footpaths, parks and riverside.

This route revises Houric One, with improvements: there's a safe road crossing at Hounslow; better use of pedestrianised Hounslow High Street; corrected access point to Redlees Park, and it swerves the short length of footpath at Richmond lock that floods at high tide (in case anyone wonders why there's a wee indirect loop at that point). Feel free to ignore the swerve in dry circumstances, I think it's useful for people to know it's there if they need it!

Refreshments at Redlees Park and the Royal Oak by the Duke of Northumberland's River. Hounslow and Richmond are both good centres for refreshments, Hounslow High Street is especially good for tasty curries.

Accessibility: There are two bridges with steps. The route is almost all lit at night, but not the riverside path at Richmond


This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref TQ1351675951
Lat / Lon 51.47115° / -0.36702°
Easting / Northing 513,516E / 175,951N
What3Words hint.moral.boil
Grid Ref TQ1805975193
Lat / Lon 51.46341° / -0.30190°
Easting / Northing 518,059E / 175,193N
What3Words unless.frozen.mugs

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



05 Apr 2023 Spring

I walked this from Hounslow to Richmond which means you save the best bits for the end of the route. I'd agree with both reviews above.
After you leave Hounslow High Street it is suburban streets or parkland until you reach the river, mostly on quiet roads. I missed the turn just after crossing the railway line but apart from that it was a very easy route to follow. Plenty of places for food and drink at either end of the route and a couple of pubs along the way too.
Should you be fancying a midnight ramble be aware that the Richmond Lock bridge is only open from about 6.30am to 9pm.

Derick Rethans

17 Dec 2022 Autumn

I walked this from Richmond to Hounslow on a sunny, but cold, Saturday noon. The ground was mostly frozen, with some slippery sections in residential areas.

It starts out from the station on Richmond Green, it crosses the old palace yard which was looking splendid. I like the section along the Thames (the whole of the Thames is worth walking!), where you also cross the meridian. There was a fair amount of street walking, but they were not busy. It did find parks as much as it could. Hounslow's high street was busy, and I was happy about the shopping centre, as it had a loo!

A good walk, but not the prettiest in the area (head to Richmond/Wombledon ;-) for that).

Jane Taylor

08 Aug 2021 Summer

Good route - I walked this route from Richmond to Hounslow. It's an improved version of Houric One, so full credit to the (unnamed) route maker, it sorts out the road crossing at Hounslow and some accuracy issues at Redlees Park which imo needed correcting.
There are two bridges with steps on this route.
Leave Richmond via Richmond Green and the old Palace Yard - very nice routing here.
Walk along the riverside to Richmond Lock - steps. I think this part of the route is the only unlit part, so overall this is a pretty good route for winter evenings.
Walk along the river to Isleworth (lit path). There's a tiny swerve just after (or before if coming from Hounslow) Richmond Lock which can be ignored unless the tide is covering the path ahead (which it may for around 30 minutes or so twice a day.)
At Isleworth the route heads away from the river towards Hounslow. There is a short stretch which goes through what seems to be a car park for some new flats, but it's also a route through for pedestrians and cyclists, so watch out here. Redlees Park (open 24 hours) is a good stopping point, there's also the Royal Oak pub by the Duke of Northumberland's River which is very pleasant - usual pub hours, won't be open in the mornings.
Good use of footpaths coming into Hounslow, including a lit stretch between the railway line and Inwood Park.
Bridge with steps over the railway - this was closed while they put a new bridge in when I walked the route, and I had to divert (signposted diversion), but I reccied both ends as far as I could, and it should be open again by now.
In central Hounslow the route goes down the High Street which is a great place for a curry and charity shops! It's also a good example of how taking most of the traffic off a high street creates a pleasant destination for people to go about their business.
Finish at Hounslow Central station - I see why this is picked as a meeting point, for connections with transport, but it's not that exciting, especially when the High Street is so buzzy! There is a pub nearby where you may get food, and some small eateries/take aways/shops across the road.

  • Derick Rethans

    Derick Rethans

    17 Dec 2022

    I love the photo of the snail! It should be the mascot :-)

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Houric one




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