HounslowEaling Broadway

Houeal two
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By Jane Taylor on 01 Sep 2021







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Hounslow to Ealing Broadway via Osterley. A mix of shops, residential, and green walking, including a surprisingly rural landscape at Osterley Park. Quite direct and with reasonable refreshment opportunities. No long flights of steps, but there are some tight paths and gates, and a railway footpath crossing with a couple of wooden steps each side.
You'll have at least one moment on this walk when you forget you are in London!

Hounslow to Ealing Broadway via Osterley. A mix of shops, residential, and green walking, including a surprisingly rural landscape at Osterley Park. Quite direct and with reasonable refreshment opportunities. No long flights of steps, but there are some tight paths and gates, and a railway footpath crossing with a couple of wooden steps each side.
You'll have at least one moment on this walk when you forget you are in London!


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref TQ1351675951
Lat / Lon 51.47115° / -0.36702°
Easting / Northing 513,516E / 175,951N
What3Words hint.moral.boil
Ealing Broadway
Grid Ref TQ1790780911
Lat / Lon 51.51483° / -0.30218°
Easting / Northing 517,907E / 180,911N
What3Words toned.excuse.steep

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



31 May 2024 Spring

I'd agree with all the other reviews but just mention that when I walked it in May the whole length of the walk along the edge of Osterley park was overgrown with nettles up to 5 or 6 feet high and in some places completely blocking the path so had to be pushed through - maybe not a route for shorts!
If you have the time for a short detour, Osterley House and gardens are worth a visit and there is a small cafe there.

Derick Rethans

17 Dec 2022 Autumn

I walked this on a freezy winter afternoon, from Hounslow to Ealing. The ground in parks was frozen.

It's a fairly residential route, but the sections through Osterley Park were lovely (and deserted). My least favourite section was along Windmill Lane, marking this route down to a 4 star. It is easy going, and otherwise a good route. It was safe, and fairly direct. Would walk again!.


23 Oct 2021 Autumn

Excellent route, with a good combination of rural and urban walking. Direct, easy to navigate, and plenty of food and drink options at either end of the walk. One slightly dull section of pavement walking along Windmill Lane in the middle, but either side of that a thoroughly enjoyable walk.

Jane Taylor

30 Sep 2021 Autumn

Excellent route that passes through some of the best green spaces in west London: Osterley Park and Warren Farm Nature Reserve.
There's some pavement walking of course, mostly through residential streets, with a short stretch through an industrial estate (watch out for HGV drivers); but as well as Osterley Park and Warren Farm, there's Brent River Park, Elthorne Park and Walpole Park to ensure no shortage of greenery.

I set off from Ealing Broadway and walked through a mix of parks and residential streets as far as the River Brent.
I enjoyed a cup of tea at the Magic Cafe, on Trumpers Way, and also took a detour to look at the Long Wood nature reserve, which is tucked up by the M4.
Osterley Park is like a country estate, fields, cows, crops - it doesn't feel like London at all. But then here is the Piccadilly line and before long I'm arriving in Hounslow. I don't think I'd ever get tired of walking this route.

No flights of stairs, but there is a railway crossing that involves a step up to the track and down the other side (see pic), and some narrow gates.

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