Horsham St FaithNorwich

Hornor two
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By Matt Tremayne on 25 Apr 2022







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Horsham St Faith and Norwich.
This uses the footpath alongside the Broadland Northway road on the outskirts of Norwich

This is a Slow Ways route connecting Horsham St Faith and Norwich.
This uses the footpath alongside the Broadland Northway road on the outskirts of Norwich


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Downloads - 42


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Horsham St Faith
Grid Ref TG2165915076
Lat / Lon 52.68801° / 1.27827°
Easting / Northing 621,659E / 315,076N
What3Words paints.area.deed
Grid Ref TG2387908389
Lat / Lon 52.62709° / 1.30653°
Easting / Northing 623,879E / 308,389N
What3Words ended.feeds.plants

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Graham T-B

11 Jun 2024 Spring

This is a nice walk that lasts around 2 to 3 hours. The route feels quite safe, is accurate and has pretty good access. It could be slightly improved by taking a small detour through Catton Park, instead of having to walk next to so many busy roads within Norwich.

There is one section where crossing the A1270 (Broadland Northway) that looks like it could be difficult on the map, however there is a crossing section at the round about and the road wasn't busy at the time of the walk.

Samir Joglekar

10 Jun 2024 Spring

The route was very easy to walk and there were zero hurdles. The road throughout looked accessible enough and is well connected by bus routes. Towards the end it is a bit confusing as to where to turn to near the airfield, but that's not very bad as one can find the directions from the online map. The Church of St Mary and St Andrew where the route ends is really remarkable and the visit to the same was mesmerising! A short walk away, one can enjoy drinks at The Black Swan Inn hotel, which is really cosy and nice! not very far there is a bus stop which has a direct connection to Norwich. So, very well connected throughout!

On a different note, I know of another route which goes via Catton Park, as that indeed does become a bit inaccessible. One cannot easily traverse this one without proper rain clothing. Highly recommend that this be added in the Slow Ways walk.


11 Mar 2024 Winter

The route was easy to walk, with barely any hills. Only thing to note is crossing the NDR as it can be quite busy. Other than that was good.

Ben Allen

11 Mar 2024 Winter

Route was easy to follow. You do have to cross over a very busy road towards the end of the route, so just to be aware of this.

Carla Thurgood

06 Feb 2024 Winter

Lovely start to the walk in Horsham, however the signage is old and worn away.
Nice to see the horses when walking through the field before arriving on the main road. No crossing at the roundabout to cross Broadland Northway and can be quite busy.
The walk through Old Catton is straight forward.
Good cafe at Waterloo park, good to stop for coffee / lunch / toilets.
Entered Norwich via Magdalan Street, passing Anglia Square.
Beautiful views of the Cathedral and Elm Hill while walking through Tombland.
Plenty of places to stop for food / shopping before arriving at Norwich Train Station.
Easy route to follow.


19 Jul 2023 Summer

This is a very safe and easy walk into Norwich. It is tarmac paths or closed roads all the way. The first half of the trail runs alongside the NDR and then through countryside to Old Catton. From this point it is residential pathways into the city centre to the train station. The only point to be careful is shortly after the start you need to cross the very busy duel carriageway but there are plenty of opportunities to do so. Accurate map, no access issues and would recommend.

Bethan Speed

28 Mar 2023 Spring

Route was very good, walked past some nice sights in Norwich (e.g. the castle and cathedral) with pavements for a lot of the way. When there weren't pavements, the terrain was fine to walk on even though it was a little muddy on a path by the airport. There is one crossing over quite a busy road (the NDR) but we crossed without any issues. Would recommend the Black Swan Inn in Horsham - we had a lovely lunch before walking the route back to Norwich.

Slow Ways Darren

11 Jan 2023 Winter

This is an easy to follow route between Horsham St Faith and Norwich. We walked it from Norwich and it went past the cathedral and through the outskirts of Norwich. There is then a car free route alongside the airport from Old Catton and beside the A road. The crossing of the A1270 is OK as there is an island for pedestrians but it requires some caution. We took a diversion into Catton Park which was lovely and popped into the ancient Saint Margaret's Church. There are refreshments at Horsham St Faith at the Black Swan. Be aware though the buses to and from Horsham are quite infrequent.

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Horsham St Faith—Norwich

Hornor one




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81 m

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