Horsham St FaithNorwich

Hornor one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Horsham St Faith and Norwich.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Horsham St Faith and Norwich.

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This route has been reviewed by 7 people.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

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Start and end points

Horsham St Faith
Grid Ref TG2165915076
Lat / Lon 52.68801° / 1.27827°
Easting / Northing 621,659E / 315,076N
What3Words paints.area.deed
Grid Ref TG2387908389
Lat / Lon 52.62709° / 1.30653°
Easting / Northing 623,879E / 308,389N
What3Words ended.feeds.plants

Hornor One's land is

Arable 26.5%
Green urban 9.2%
Pasture 6.5%
Urban 57.8%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


James Knibb

11 Jun 2024 Spring

Route is on city/suburb pavements until Spixworth. Suggested that the route could be adapted so it takes the road next to the NDR opposed the current route into Horsham st Faith as there is a section without pavement and little verge .

Sophie Battrick

04 Jun 2024 Spring

I walked this route in the opposite direction to the map, from Norwich to Horsham St Faith. The first part coming out of Norwich was through residential streets with very few sites of interest. The section through Catton Park was nice, but after this it returned to residential pavements. The section from Spixworth to Horsham was along a 60mph road which was fairly busy, with very few places along the verge to stop on - this was unsafe, particularly as there were blind corners due to the overgrowth, and roadworks which limited the number of places we could stop to let cars pass. Overall, a much nicer route could have been achieved by using the Marriott's Way route from Spixworth to Horsham - I would recommend anyone doing this walk to take that route instead, and Slowways should also remove this route from the database and replace it with that one, which is a tried and tested footpath - no need to choose an unsafe route instead to get between the same two places. Aside from the safety issues, this was a fairly non-remarkable walk which I wouldn't bother doing again compared to other routes in the area which are much prettier, and therefore I would not recommend this route to anyone.


04 Jun 2024 Spring

Route starts in Norwich city and could follow existing walks along the river. The walk gets nicer as you leave the city and reach Spixworth. However the section between Spixworth and Horsham St Faith is unsafe to walk for most, with no footpath, an overgrown steep verge and moderately busy road. A section of Marriott’s way between Spixworth and Horsham st faith (which this walk seems to ignore) is far more suitable and fits the slow ways.principals.


08 Sep 2023 Summer

The road leaving Horsham St Faith is a bit dangerous to walk down, with nowhere to move onto the verge in some places. Once you get to the path at Buxton Road the route becomes a lot easier. Paths are well maintained all the way into the city centre with various points to stop for refreshments on the way. The cut through Catton park was nice and offered a change of scenery to the same road all the way.

Fred Jones

12 Aug 2023 Summer

Not sure why prev reviewer Thomas has added incorrect information. As you can tell from the map, and from my previous review, the starting section from Horsham St Faith to Spixworth is often without paving so you will have to walk on the road or grassy verge. As someone who has lived in the countryside, this is far from unusual. This section makes up about 30 mins of a 3 hour walk, with the entire rest of the walk being on pavements, dedicated paths and city roads, so it's incorrect to state that 'much of the walk is with no path'. Let's try and keep the information here accurate please?
As before the walk is very pleasant and scenic, with not much change in elevation. On the walk today I was even offered free apples by a kind local resident, and walked past some lovely horses in a field.
The biggest change due to seasonality is that some of the hedges, weeds and brambles in the initial part of the walk are more fully grown and overbearing than in colder months, but never more than a minor annoyance. Still a great walk into Norwich.

Thomas Hongsubchat

04 Jul 2023 Summer

Much of this walk was on national speed limit roads with no path.

Fred Jones

17 Feb 2023 Winter

Starting from Horsham St. Faith, the first section leading up to Spixworth generally has no pavements or paths. You will be walking on the grass verge or on the road (and at times there may not even be a good grassy verge to stand/walk on). So if you are not comfortable with that then be aware. Once you hit Spixworth and start going south, the rest of the route always has dedicated paths or pavements to walk on.
Also, that first area is quite picturesque, there are some nice views across flat Norfolk fields and some horses.
You will cut through Old Catton park which is grassy, wide, open and seems to be popular with dog owners.
I think there would be a more picturesque route once you hit Norwich though. No problems in terms of walking them, but Catton Grove Road and Anglia Square not known for looking nice. You will get to cut through the always adorable Elm Hill in Norwich, though again, I think it's a pity to go down Prince of Wales Road when you could cut through Cathedral Close at the end for a much better finish to your walk. I guess it depends if you want the quickest most direct walk, or you're more interested in sight-seeing.

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Horsham St Faith—Norwich

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69 m

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