
Hatshe one
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Verified by 80.00% of reviewers

By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Hathersage and Sheffield.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Hathersage and Sheffield.

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This route has been reviewed by 10 people.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

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Start and end points

Grid Ref SK2324881087
Lat / Lon 53.32621° / -1.65242°
Easting / Northing 423,248E / 381,087N
What3Words robes.bikes.older
Grid Ref SK3580086930
Lat / Lon 53.37803° / -1.46332°
Easting / Northing 435,800E / 386,930N
What3Words ledge.museum.hiding

Hatshe One's land is

Moors 22.4%
Natural grass 7.6%
Pasture 29.6%
Urban 29.8%
Woods 10.4%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


James Preskey

18 Dec 2023 Autumn

The route we took was from Hathersage to Sheffield. The most difficult parts of the journey were at the start where we had a relatively steep incline to climb and then as we reached the summit of Burbage Moor we had to navigate around boggy marshes in the middle of December. We followed the route closely but there was no visible path, walking boots or even wellies will be a necessity. Once you get through the bogs and can see a path you can walk the rest on a stone covered path, the GPS may suggest walking through the Heather but stick to the path. The path is rocky so watch your ankles but nothing too treacherous. After coming off the moors it is mainly flat or a gradual descent into Sheffield.

Katy L

18 Dec 2023 Autumn

This is a lengthy walk with a variation of uphill, downhill and straight. There are a lot of areas where you need to watch your feet for rocks, tree roots and uneven terrain. There are also a few stiles to climb over around Hathersage, a couple I had to jump from.
We walked in December after a few weeks of very heavy rain and it was very wet and boggy in parts.

The route could be tweaked, as we found ourselves climbing over heather and thorny bushes when there was a path which could have been followed.

We walked Hathersage to Sheffield. There are public loos in Hathersage so have a comfort break here as there aren't any other opportunities before Sheffield. There is a pub at Ringinglow which is about half way and then cafes and public loos in both Forge Dam and Endcliffe Parks so there are more opportunities to stop on the Sheffield side.

I enjoy walking when I can but I do not walk long routes like this regularly. Therefore I found the walk very challenging but it was manageable. I found the inclines the most difficult but this will all depend on your experience and size - I have little legs!.

Philip Foster-Dennison

17 Dec 2023 Autumn

This is a challenging walk to complete in the middle of December. We walked the route from Hathersage to Sheffield, however OS maps routed us the reverse way which we couldn’t change.

As we walked from Hathersage, there was lots of uphill walking and breaks needed as we ventured out of Hathersage and into the open fields and rocks.

We were able to follow the route fine, until we arrived at the heather which we found very boggy. I’d recommend wellies if walking this after it’s been raining, walking boots were ok but if they’re not waterproof you are going to have wet feet.

An alternative to walking directly through the heather is to walk up an over the rocks. There are clearer footpaths here with less bogginess to get through.

As we got past the heather, the route flattens off onto a dusty, country lane down to Ringinglow.

From here, the route was particular easy to follow as it was mostly downhill towards Forge Dam, Porter Brook and then Endcliffe Park.

This is a better walk to complete in the warmer months and when it’s been dry. If walking outside of summer then wrap up warm as it’ll be cold!.


28 Jun 2023 Summer

Really pleasant walk, some challenging paths at times with rocky terrain but overall a good walk with a lot of scenic overlooks. As there are some gates to climb over, this walk wouldn't be wheelchair accessible.

Jenna Dixon

28 Jun 2023 Summer

I'm an inexperienced walker and while parts of the route felt challenging it was very achievable.

Joe Richards

28 Jun 2023 Summer

This was a really nice, if slightly inaccessible route. It starts in Sheffield City Centre, which involves walking along some main roads, until it gets to Endcliffe Park. Once you're here, it's a more rural route until you reach the end.

Endcliffe is a very accessible park, largely wheelchair-friendly, and it leads into Bingham Park and through to Whiteley Woods, the latter of which starts to become peppered with potholes and the odd overhanging trees / branches, with some slightly uneven terrain. After this, the route circumnavigates Forge Dam, on some loose gravel paths (with some inclines). This continues in line with Clough Lane for a good while, and includes some road crossing and cycle gates.

After this, the first major obstacle is faced: a steep incline across a hilly field (up to Ringinglow). Once you've reached the peak, The Norfolk Arms pub awaits as a decent halfway point - the staff in there were kind enough to fill up our water bottles, and they also have snacks for hikers for sale in there.

Next comes the next challenge: the long walk, gravelly walk from Lady Canning's across towards Burbage. This is certainly walkable for seasoned hikers, but it is quite long and very exposed to the elements so possibly a challenge for beginners / in tough weather. The path then arrives near Burbage Moor, and skirts around Carl Wark - this is very boggy and arguably not suitable for people with walking issues. Hathersage Moor then awaits, and is overgrown - the path on the route is quite vague here, and we ended up just cutting across it, through some bogs, due to a lack of defined path. Again, this is fairly inaccessible.

The final stretch from Hathersage Moor to the town itself is mostly very pleasant, across a few fields, largely downhill (notably steep in places), through a field containing cows, and finally onto some roads. The route actually veers left away from the city centre, but we turned right and finished our walk in The George Pub.

Overall, a very pleasant if challenging walk, with some considerable obstacles along the way (bogs, roads, steep inclines / declines, uneven terrain), which makes it fairly inaccessible for around 40-50% of it. I would recommend it to an experienced walker, and would certainly walk it again myself.

Shamsa Riazat

26 Jun 2023 Summer

This is a beginner to moderate walk on mostly good, well defined paths. Some paths are loose rocks & shingly & require a bit of care with your footing. Only one real incline that’s pretty short, just before you reach Ringinglow road & the pub here is a perfect half way refreshment stop. They will refill your water bottle for free. There’s no further toilet stops until Hathersage after this. A very pleasant walk that doesn’t take too long & has a variety of different scenery from woods to moors.

A couple of the paths near to Carl Wark were boggy but easy to navigate. The short bit of the route after Carl Wark to the road the path trod on the ground deviates a little from the Right of Way on the OS map but is navigable if competent with map & compass.

Quite a few stiles & gates to pass through, some narrow & a bit hidden. Need to pay attention to the route/map in some places to keep to the route.


31 Aug 2022 Summer

A really good route - direct and a pleasant to walk - with only a few minor issues keeping it from walking perfection. This is not only a good way to get between Sheffield and Hathersage, but a fantastic way to see a cross section of Sheffield and get a taste for the very different parts of the city.

I walked from Sheffield, and from the train station to Burbage rocks, there were no issues. Descending into Burbage valley and then ascending the along the side of Carl Wark, I would suggest following the very visible path down, rather than the suggested routing. From Carl Wark to the road, I wasn't able to find the suggested path, but a clear one can be found from roughly the midpoint on the path between Carl Wark and Higger Tor.

From Sheffield to Burbage Valley, the paths are easy. From Burbage Valley onwards, there are steep, uneven and sections with loose, rocky paths. From Carl Wark to the road can get very boggy unless the weather is very dry, so watch your step.

Food and drinks can be found on route in Endcliffe Park and Forge Dam Park.

Tim Ryan

30 May 2022 Spring

An excellent route between the city centre and the Peak District town of Hathersage through parkland, trails and open moorland. I have included, in photo 1, my suggestion for the route over Burbage Moor, between the footbridge at Sk264 814 and spot height 404 at SK277 812. This follows a track ' minor in places which the line of the right of way on the map does not. This is however a ver enjoyable route. Navigation skills required in poor visibility.


24 Apr 2021 Spring

I walked this exact route the other week! Very pleasant and direct. Quite steep ascent out of Hathersage and from Mitchell Field up to Hathersage Moor. Most of Hathersage Moor - Burbage Brook is quite 'follow your nose', not especially well signed through bogs and ferns etc. Trust in OS and local knowledge help. Otherwise super route and very scenic.

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