
Gosnew two
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By Northern mum on 27 Dec 2021







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I've offered an alternative route into Newcastle. It is not quite as pleasant as walking across the Town Moor and through the park, but it is easier in my opinion as the current has two locations with no crossings that involve crossing quite busy roads. I do both routes regularly and would not choose to go this way for that reason.
lobby.adults.fear there is no crossing here.
span.garage.cake there is currently no crossing here either - one is planned. It's hard to cross as it is a busy roundabout.
The route also does not cross Dukes Moor which would be tricky in a wheelchair as there is no proper path. The path across the Town Moor has gravel - the alternative is smoother

I've offered an alternative route into Newcastle. It is not quite as pleasant as walking across the Town Moor and through the park, but it is easier in my opinion as the current has two locations with no crossings that involve crossing quite busy roads. I do both routes regularly and would not choose to go this way for that reason.
lobby.adults.fear there is no crossing here.
span.garage.cake there is currently no crossing here either - one is planned. It's hard to cross as it is a busy roundabout.
The route also does not cross Dukes Moor which would be tricky in a wheelchair as there is no proper path. The path across the Town Moor has gravel - the alternative is smoother


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Route status - Live

Reviews - 4

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Is this route good enough? -  Yes (4)

There are currently no problems reported with this route.

Downloads - 5


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref NZ2438067870
Lat / Lon 55.00481° / -1.62039°
Easting / Northing 424,380E / 567,870N
What3Words humans.vent.patio
Grid Ref NZ2467563906
Lat / Lon 54.96918° / -1.61611°
Easting / Northing 424,675E / 563,906N
What3Words gain.itself.fine

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Andrew Davies

10 Jun 2024 Spring

I agree that this is a totally straightforward, step free and direct paved route. It's pleasant enough and gives some varied urban environments in a short distance. Good shops, cafes and transport at either end.

Philip Le Marquand

06 Dec 2023 Autumn

I walked this from Gosforth to Newcastle at the beginning of December. This is a fully accessible route through suburban streets, at the edge of parkland and then through the city centre. Easy walking.

Swiss Danny

26 Dec 2022 Winter

This is certainly one of the most accessible and shortest routes from Gosforth to Newcastle city centre. On safe wide pavements along the nevertheless busy Great North Road. I would personally go through Jesmond or the Town Moor for a more scenic route but much less accessible as per the OPs notes.

Sadie Bartholomew

05 Jun 2022 Spring

A very accessible route that, precisely as the route submitter's overview states, is "not quite as pleasant as walking across the Town Moor and through the park", i.e. the 'Gosnew one' route, but is (paraphrasing) easier due to less crossings of the busy roads and more accessible due to always having paths rather than unpaved areas e.g. the grass route across Duke's Moor for 'Gosnew one'.

The photos I've added don't show the nicest parts of the route, but were added simply give an idea about the enhanced accessibility of the cut down Highbury and Forsyth road, which has pavement and cycle lanes, as well as the cut through the allotments on Little Moor which has a good path as well.

You still get very nice grassland views, notably of the Town Moor despite not walking through it but rather along side it, and then urban views on Gosforth High Street and on the Newcastle side.

Though you walk alongside the Great North Road, there are wide, high-quality paths well and at times very-well separated from the roads, which makes it safe to take children and dogs along, etc.

The route through or along Brandling Park is more direct than cutting through Exhibition Park as in 'Gosnew one' and quite pleasant too, with fairly quiet roads. There's a subway path which takes you under the Central Motorway safely and then you get some nice views of University buildings and such when heading into Newcastle.

Different to 'Gosnew one', this route goes down Northumberland Street which is the main (mostly pedestrianised) shopping street and can be very busy at times, but is nice nonetheless and naturally has plenty of grocery type shops where you can get refreshments or take a toilet break, etc., and many pubs can be found closeby. The route through from Haymarket to Central Station via Monument is a very lovely urban walk that covers three Metro station areas - it's nice to see how quick and pleasant it is to walk between these instead of taking the train!

I've given five stars because this route is true to it's description: perhaps not as scenic as 'Gosnew one', but still very lovely to walk and what's more it is simpler to navigate due to less busy crossings and it is the best route which could reasonably be done with a wheelchair, mobility scooter, pushchair or road bike due to the lack of proper paths or quality paths on 'Gosnew one'.

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