
Eghche two
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By Jane Taylor on 14 Jul 2023







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Revised version of Eghche One which avoids the swamp between Stroude Road and Whitehall Lane, by walking along Stroude Road (pavement and safe crossings throughout) from Egham station, until it meets up with the original route.
Route then uses mostly footpaths via Thorpe (refreshments) to Chertsey. Cafe and toilets in the park at Chertsey.
No flights of steps, but there is a stone obstacle to climb over at Thorpe, and a short stretch along a narrow overgrown woodland path (nettles, brambles) on the Egham side of the M25.
Road crossings all good, apart from the B388 Thorpe bypass where care is needed

Revised version of Eghche One which avoids the swamp between Stroude Road and Whitehall Lane, by walking along Stroude Road (pavement and safe crossings throughout) from Egham station, until it meets up with the original route.
Route then uses mostly footpaths via Thorpe (refreshments) to Chertsey. Cafe and toilets in the park at Chertsey.
No flights of steps, but there is a stone obstacle to climb over at Thorpe, and a short stretch along a narrow overgrown woodland path (nettles, brambles) on the Egham side of the M25.
Road crossings all good, apart from the B388 Thorpe bypass where care is needed


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Is this route good enough? -  Yes (3)

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Downloads - 2


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref TQ0111271048
Lat / Lon 51.42943° / -0.54695°
Easting / Northing 501,112E / 171,048N
What3Words ruby.scout.fault
Grid Ref TQ0383066404
Lat / Lon 51.38719° / -0.50922°
Easting / Northing 503,830E / 166,404N

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.



08 Nov 2023 Autumn

A pleasant country walk apart from the noise of two motorways which intrude somewhat! I walked Egham to Chertsey. Some of the path turnings are not too obvious. Off Stroude Road there are large wet areas next to the path before crossing the M25 but the path was dry. Entrance to this path was via a kissing gate. Wheeled transport would not be possible. The path through Thorpe Park was good although I nearly missed the left turn at its end to cross the M3 on the A320 bridge. I used the cycle track to get into Chertsey. Toilets in Tesco in Egham High Street.

Tallulah P

28 Aug 2023 Summer

I thought this was a lovely walk! It was all surrounded by nature, with only a few road sections, not including town start/end. It takes you pass Thorpe park which is one of my favourite places and you can see a fair share of wildlife. In my case I saw lots of butterflies, with one even landing on my head. There are sections which rough terrain which makes it less accessible, but overall it was a very fun walk.

Jane Taylor

14 Jul 2023 Summer

Walked Chertsey to Egham.
This is a pretty good route considering there are some major obstacles in between the two towns: M3, M25, an amusement park, and a lake or two.
There’s a lot of off road path, mostly, but not 100%, good underfoot.
Coming into Egham along the Stroude Road is acceptable but takes the shine off; the rest of the route is close to 5 stars imo.

Setting off from Chertsey I stopped in the local park to use toilets and have a cup of tea at the cafe. Later I saw numerous butterflies, enjoyed a refreshment break at the Red Lion in Thorpe, and thrilled to hear the screams as I skirted around the perimeter of Thorpe Park. The village at Thorpe, tucked into one of the armpits where the M3 and M25 intersect, is exceptionally well preserved in a sort of Miss Marple/Midsomer set-piece sort of way.

It was here I encountered a large stone lintel at the end of the footpath, which has to be stepped (or in my case clambered) over.
I found the trickiest section was directly on the Egham side of the M25 where the path becomes narrow and there are nettles and brambles. This section was quite short and soon I came out at the edge of a field.

All in all I’m pleased with this route, which replaces the potentially 5 star but actually impassable Eghche One.

  • JohnMyerson


    08 Nov 2023

    Thanks Jane. Good route. Enjoyable walk.

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