
Corpru one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Corbridge and Prudhoe.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Corbridge and Prudhoe.

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This route has been reviewed by 1 person.

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Problems reported -  Safety (1)

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Grid Ref NY9890964433
Lat / Lon 54.97452° / -2.01858°
Easting / Northing 398,909E / 564,433N
What3Words wound.cured.onion
Grid Ref NZ0968462995
Lat / Lon 54.96150° / -1.85030°
Easting / Northing 409,684E / 562,995N
What3Words poets.waggled.volume

Corpru One's land is

Arable 68.7%
Pasture 12.4%
Urban 18.9%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018


Roger newman

28 Apr 2021 (edited 27 Jun 2023) Spring

I completed the route in less than 3 hours, walking quite quickly.
The pavement beside the B6530, one of the main roads into Corbridge narrows to about 0.5 metres for a couple of hundred metres, although there is an alternative safer parallel path behind the trees.
The track past Thornbrough and across fields to Brockhole Burn is clear, and there are stiles to negotiate in several places.
The footpath from Brockhole Burn to Newton starts on the south west side of the field boundary and crosses it at the end of the first field - the OS map does not show this.
The road through Newton is normally very quiet, but the short path shown on the map going from a minor road fork going north east does not exist. One needs to continue round the bend of the road before turning right up a short track to rejoin the marked route.
There is no obvious trodden path across the grassy field leading down to the A69 but the stile in the hedge at the bottom is visible from a distance.
The A69 is a dual carriageway with fast moving traffic and must be crossed with great care, wending a way between the central crash barriers.
The stile at the top of the field by North Acomb farm requires a big step up onto wobbly woodwork!
The route via Bearl to Ovington includes a short section on road but presents no problems.
Access to the footpath south east of Ovington is by a narrow entrance to high stone steps .
Cross the Tyne on Ovingham Bridge and enjoy about 1km uphill to Front Street in Prudhoe.

  • Parmstrong


    08 Aug 2021

    I know most of this route and nearby paths from regular walking here. Overall it's to be recommended, but, as per Roger Newman's review, the B6530, isn't the pleasantest or safest way out of Corbridge. It also missed out two places of interest at Walker's Pottery (disused) and Aydon Castle. A revised first part of the route is as follows. Walk east along Hill Street, then turn left into Princess St and continue north-east up Aydon Road B6321 as far as Milkwell lane (0.4 mile). Both of these are much quieter in terms of traffic than the existing Corpru route. After half a mile, Milkwell Lane passes the interesting remains of Walker's Pottery, with its striking conical kilns. Pass under the A69 and take the footpath immediately on the right. This heads slightly W of NW along a rough lane and then over fields before entering woods above the Cor burn. The path runs downhill, crosses the burn, and then climbs steeply to Aydon Castle (English Heritage, closed winter), a 13th century fortified manor house. Pass the castle and take a right of way to the right. This descends again to the Cor burn before climbing the other side of the steep dene and crossing Rye hill eastwards to the south edge of the hamlet of Aydon. Turn Left (N.E) through Aydon. The road bears round to the left and you meet the B6231 again. Turn left again and then right onto a field path that heads SE to meet a minor road at 013657. Turn Left (N) a short way to a footpath E across two fields, then S to a point immediately E of Thornbrough High Barns, E again (Photo 3) then S towards Brockhole Burn. There is a crossing point over the burn by the SW corner of the last field to meet the originally proposed route. From this point the original route can be followed.

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