Clay CrossNorth Wingfield

Clanor one
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By a Slow Ways Volunteer on 07 Apr 2021







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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Clay Cross and North Wingfield.

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This is a Slow Ways route connecting Clay Cross and North Wingfield.

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This route has been reviewed by 3 people.

This route has been flagged (1 times) for reasons relating to access.

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Geography information system (GIS) data

Total length

Maximum elevation

Minimum elevation

Start and end points

Clay Cross
Grid Ref SK3926863469
Lat / Lon 53.16692° / -1.41407°
Easting / Northing 439,268E / 363,469N
What3Words saga.slanting.saga
North Wingfield
Grid Ref SK4102765147
Lat / Lon 53.18187° / -1.38755°
Easting / Northing 441,027E / 365,147N
What3Words olive.fetches.hawks

Clanor One's land is

Arable 53.9%
Urban 46.1%

Data: Corine Land Cover (CLC) 2018



07 Oct 2021 Autumn

I walked Clay Cross to North Wingfield on a dry sunny day after a fair amount of rain. A walk of 3 miles to connect two points 1.5 miles apart. Google shows a decent road side pavement along the direct main road. So this route needs to be good to justify a doubling of the distance.

I agree with the review by Jamie M but I wouldn't be as positive about the issues. The route does pass an industrial area which could offer walk to work opportunities. The pavement on the road section after the railway is narrow with over hanging hedges. Navigation was a challenge once on the field paths caused partly by the indirect route. Most paths are fenced in which I don't enjoy. Ploughed fields do not have the path apparent on the ground perhaps this will change as locals tramp a track that should be done by the farmer. The stream crossing was passable by muddy. The occasional views do not compensate for the extension to this journey.

I had hoped that Clanor 1 and 2 would offer a pleasant leisure walk but even that proved illusive.


19 Aug 2021 Summer

Really good route. It runs close to a farm which has a dog that can be loose sometimes, but generally very picturesque and avoids the main roads.

Jamie M

12 May 2021 Spring

I walked this route on 9 May 2021 starting from Clay Cross. I was unfamiliar with the area and found myself uncertain of the correct route in a couple of places. Heavy rain the previous day had left one section very muddy, and at another point a small stream had flooded the path. But overall it was a varied and interesting short route.

Interesting and varied route.
Makes good use of available traffic free options.

Necessary to cross a road at a blind corner if walking towards North Wingfield.
Crosses a paddock containing horses.
One section very muddy.
Path flooded by a stream at one point, though this may not be typical and an alternative was available nearby.

Navigation needs care in places.
No refreshment facilities or toilets en route, but distance is short.

Steps: One flight of about 8.
Stiles: 4, all small.
Gates: 7
Width Restrictors: 1
Narrow footbridges: 1

The route starts in the centre of Clay Cross and follows roadside pavements before veering off past a leisure centre. The broad surfaced track is also a car park access but there is the option of walking on the grass. After passing a school the route rejoins roadside pavements to the edge of town. After crossing the railway it turns off past Hagghill Farm. Here it is necessary to cross the road at a blind corner if walking towards North Wingfield.

After Hagghill Farm the route was not immediately obvious but keeps to the right of the stables. It then follows the edge of fields before dropping down to cross another road. From here it crosses a series of small fields and paddocks, one of which contained horses, before turning left after a kissing gate, an unmarked junction that I initially missed. After following the fence, the route turns left again and curves around the edge of fields. Parts of this section were very muddy. Eventually the route reaches a narrow footbridge, but to reach the steps up to the next field it was necessary to make a large step over a stream and cross some waterlogged ground. This may just have been a consequence of heavy rain the previous day, but if necessary could be avoided (at the cost of more roadside walking) by taking the previous footpath exit.

The route then crosses two fields to the road, from where it is a short walk to the green in the centre of North Wingfield.

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Clay Cross—North Wingfield

Clanor two




46 m


58 m

Clay Cross—North Wingfield

Clanor three







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