Cheadle HulmeStockport

Chesto two
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By David Sanderson on 19 Feb 2023







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Route aiming to be more direct than the first version. Via Edgeley Park

Route aiming to be more direct than the first version. Via Edgeley Park


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Cheadle Hulme
Grid Ref SJ8760086595
Lat / Lon 53.37608° / -2.18785°
Easting / Northing 387,600E / 386,595N
What3Words apply.body.sugars
Grid Ref SJ8930189895
Lat / Lon 53.40578° / -2.16240°
Easting / Northing 389,301E / 389,895N
What3Words cake.sushi.groom

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Lauren G

08 Jun 2024 Spring

Walked in reverse direction this afternoon. This route is fairly direct, as is appropriate for a route through more urban areas, and showcases some nice green bits of Edgeley that the casual walker might not think of - walkers with dogs may like to pause and take in Alexandra Park, or Edgeley Field.

The route is mostly paved, and only features stairs when crossing the railway bridge in the Adswood portion - wheelers would need to detour around that section. Seeing a sign for the footpath mentioned by David Sanderson, I decided to take that shortcut as I preferred the car-free route and to get to Cheadle Hulme quicker. This does involve some steps down, and a couple of kissing gates.

Overall a pleasant walk, especially at this time of year when front gardens are so full of flowers, and a good example of how to connect two urban stations without just walking down a main road - the sort of thing Slow Ways is well suited to.

One blot, speaking of the railway bridge, was that the path through that area had large amounts of broken glass and there was evidence of fly tipping. I report this only in case people are walking with dogs or children, and need advance warning. An unfortunate moment in an otherwise nice walk.

Jake parr

03 Apr 2023 (edited 27 Mar 2023) Spring

Lovely walk Lovely views.

David Sanderson

19 Feb 2023 Winter

A direct, safe and well supplied, if rather functional route, that could easily be completed in a pair of ordinary shoes. Steps in places so not accessible to all. Generally makes the most of limited green spaces but possibly misses a trick by not going down the footpath at the side of Cheadle Hulme Railway Station. Saying that, the route away from that footpath offers decent shops, pubs and restaurants. The Stockport end offers some independents before you get to the station. Getting to the meeting place may require getting through the station barriers. They have a system for this eventuality where you pick up a token to be exchanged at the other end. Overall, an enjoyable Slow Way!.

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Cheadle Hulme—Stockport

Chesto one




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35 m

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