
Carbin four
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By Ken on 17 Jul 2023







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This routes uses the delightful Trent riverside path from Gunthorpe to Stoke Ferry with the well walked link from Bingham to East bridgeford as used by Soubin-2. The approach or departure from Netherfield / Carlton is a quiet road and well used footpath alongside the Ouse Dyke

This routes uses the delightful Trent riverside path from Gunthorpe to Stoke Ferry with the well walked link from Bingham to East bridgeford as used by Soubin-2. The approach or departure from Netherfield / Carlton is a quiet road and well used footpath alongside the Ouse Dyke


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SK6197941277
Lat / Lon 52.96530° / -1.07866°
Easting / Northing 461,979E / 341,277N
Grid Ref SK7050939953
Lat / Lon 52.95235° / -0.95197°
Easting / Northing 470,509E / 339,953N
What3Words short.dummy.titles

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17 Jul 2023 Summer

This is a typical country walk with a few stiles, but lots of easy gates and some cattle but I guess they are used to humans. The general indirect route is inevitable to locate a river crossing. Despite that with facilities along the way I suggest this is a five star walk.

I walked from Bingham reversing the good approach made by Soubin-2 along well walked paths. There is a bit of roadside walking at the old and new Fosse Way but this offers a safe crossing of the A46 and we are soon on a bridleway alongside but hidden from the Gunthorpe road. We bypass East Bridgford, a short detour would include this village.

The general indirect route is inevitable to locate a river crossing and Gunthorpe is a good and interesting one with the remains of the old bridge and information about the current bridge which is fast approaching it's centenary. Services in abundance at this popular riverside location.

The walk from here is first class but may be flooded in extreme conditions. The path surface is good and shared with bikes and horses. We cut out a bend in the river along Trent Lane then back alongside, it's an exceptional walk over the meadow where cattle may be grazing.

The well used but in summer overgrown woodland path, could be avoided by an early link onto the road. Consider walking the floodbank which offers views towards Nottingham rather than winding around the many parked cars.

The Ferry Inn is just beyond where our path turns away from the river. No longer a ferry but still a very popular spot at what appears to be an all day pub. The path remains good alongside the outfall of the massive Stoke Bardolph sewage treatment works which I guess does a good job because the fast flowing water looked clear and had no unpleasant smell.

Getting close to the urban area the paths were busy with joggers and dog walkers, some folk doing both. The turn right uses a popular surfaced path alongside the Ouse Dyke and a central refuge assists crossing the main road.

The footpath from here is alongside a fence with a narrow belt of trees the other side, beyond that the ground is higher, this was the northern extent of the vast Colwick sidings now mostly redeveloped as the Victoria Retail and Business Parks.

Turning left into Chandos Street there is a narrow bridge with no pavement, but the road is fairly quiet. It's then a direct route to Netherfield which should be the name of this meeting place.

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Carbin one




59 m


58 m


Carbin two








Carbin three




118 m


118 m

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