BarnsleyRoyston (Yorkshire)

Barroy three
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By Jane Taylor on 06 Nov 2023







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A tweaked version of Barroy Two which corrects the two problems I considered warranted correction: tighten up the route line at Smithies Lane to make it clear, when walking towards Barnsley, not to go down the steps to the lane, but stay up on the footpath, which will shortly make a left turn just out of sight; and reroute between the A61 and Richard Road along Ravenfield Drive - this takes out the slippery, potentially dangerous steep footpath by the side of the barracks building, and also gives a safe crossing point for the A61.
Otherwise as Barroy Two - a mix of residential, landscaped recreational space, and some arable fields at Royston. Very direct. The fields warrant good footwear, and paths may be muddy after rain. Several flights of steps

A tweaked version of Barroy Two which corrects the two problems I considered warranted correction: tighten up the route line at Smithies Lane to make it clear, when walking towards Barnsley, not to go down the steps to the lane, but stay up on the footpath, which will shortly make a left turn just out of sight; and reroute between the A61 and Richard Road along Ravenfield Drive - this takes out the slippery, potentially dangerous steep footpath by the side of the barracks building, and also gives a safe crossing point for the A61.
Otherwise as Barroy Two - a mix of residential, landscaped recreational space, and some arable fields at Royston. Very direct. The fields warrant good footwear, and paths may be muddy after rain. Several flights of steps


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Geography information system (GIS) data

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Grid Ref SE3464706535
Lat / Lon 53.55432° / -1.47849°
Easting / Northing 434,647E / 406,535N
What3Words stages.scuba.loyal
Royston (Yorkshire)
Grid Ref SE3615911446
Lat / Lon 53.59837° / -1.45509°
Easting / Northing 436,160E / 411,447N
What3Words earful.obliging.kinks

Sorry Land Cover data is not currently available for this route. Please check back later.


Andrew Davies

22 May 2024 Spring

I walked this route from Barnsley as the first half of a very rainy May day ( I continued to Crofton). The route is a good direct path and the map was really only needed for the fields at the Royston end. Given the weather (and previous comments) I was expecting problems with mud. Places were wet and slippery, and fields overgrown, but it was all passable with good boots. I recommend the Number One cafe on the corner at the Royston junction!.

Jane Taylor

06 Nov 2023 Autumn

Walked Barroy Two from Royston to Barnsley.
This version Three corrects a couple of safety/accuracy issues which I had.

A good direct route with plenty of off-road (mostly at the Royston end).
Walked on a November day after a lot of rain. Some serious sticky mud, but only for a few metres. Otherwise the muddy sections were not too deep or slippy. I found it helpful to use a walking pole.
Some ups and downs- and where it’s steep there are usually steps.

Some more detail:
Setting off from Royston- good meeting point and refreshments- soon into off road paths.
Before long arable field paths - some mud, especially where bicycles have come along the path - but nothing too tricky. The farmer has kept a clear line through the crop (photo 7).

At the end of the field the land drops down, and here was a few metres of serious sticky cleggy boot sucky mud (photo 8), which needed to be crossed to reach the gap in the hedge where the footpath goes into an area of reclaimed colliery works at Carlton: there’s a small lake, with benches, and paths. The path between the gap in the hedge and the lake is very short, but a bit rubbish strewn. It comes out by the bench named for Lee Allott (see photo 9, this might help anyone coming the other way).
I clumped along in my muddy cleggy boots. Eventually I came to a recreation ground with long grass that took a lot of the mud off. I did need to use the gpx to get across the rec ground, because it’s so big I couldn’t see where I was heading (photo 11).

At the southern edge of the rec ground is a busy road (no formal pedestrian crossing point), then the next part of the route. There’s a short climb up, and then drop down to the Smithies area; several busy roads to cross, but good crossing points provided.
After walking along the valley bottom the path climbs up the hill through a housing estate until it comes up to Barnsley interchange and the end of the walk.


06 Nov 2023 Autumn

This is a good route. I enjoyed walking it as part of a hike between Leeds and Sheffield. I'd certainly walk it again and think everyone who likes walking in Barnsley and Royston should give it a crack!

I walked Barroy Two, which this route is based on, back in 2022. As it happens, I also explored the places that Jane's suggested and agree with those changes. Thanks Jane!!

I suspect that someone local will be able to suggest one or two other good routes to contend with this one.

Hugh Hudson

06 Nov 2023 Autumn

I haven't walked this exact route, but I walked BARROY two from Barnsley to Royston last year and the changes here are minor and look sensible. I will copy more of that review over when I have time.

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Barnsley—Royston (Yorkshire)

Barroy two







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