
Ashcoa two
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By Ken on 06 Nov 2022







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A country walk with some stiles, cross field paths and potentially mud but perhaps no cattle, only behind fences. Limited services on route but plenty of interest, National Forest and Woodland Trust

A country walk with some stiles, cross field paths and potentially mud but perhaps no cattle, only behind fences. Limited services on route but plenty of interest, National Forest and Woodland Trust


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Grid Ref SK3574116726
Lat / Lon 52.74700° / -1.47196°
Easting / Northing 435,741E / 316,726N
What3Words comet.lowest.butchers
Grid Ref SK4234614425
Lat / Lon 52.72584° / -1.37442°
Easting / Northing 442,346E / 314,425N

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01 Jun 2024 Spring

I have walked this route several times, from Ashby to Coalville and back, and would recommend it, when the ground is dry.

There are several ways to get from Ashby town centre to the Ashby Road near Packington. The one shown in the route takes in Market Street (the main shopping street), then passes the attractive St Helens Church and gives a good view of the Castle. The next part, though, down Leicester Road before turning right across a field alongside the A42 - is not the most direct, and not the most pleasant if the field is wet. An alternative is the direct route along the pavements of Upper Packington road towards Packington.

The suggested route exits the field onto Ashby Road, then almost immediately heads across the fields again, crossing Coleorton Lane and including a short walk on the grass verge along that Lane, before heading across the fields again towards Spring Lane. That is a nice route if the weather is OK, but there can be some long grass that can be unpleasant if wet. Since lockdown this footpath has become a bit overgrown. In fact, when walking along Coleorton Lane from the opposite direction, the footpath entrance is very difficult to spot - the sign is obscured, and the area round the stile was overgrown when I was last there (early spring 2024). If the weather is not favourable, you can instead walk into Packington (where there is a good farm shop at the Northern end of the High Street), and out along Spring Lane. That is a little further, but all on good pavements.

Spring Lane is a mostly pleasant walk, directly towards Coalville, passing a farm shop and cafe. Beyond that, at the top end of the lane, it can be very muddy in places, even after several hot dry days (perhaps the clue is in the name - Spring as in water), with stagnant puddles of water that attract flies. It passes some good areas of new tree planting, before reaching an entrance to the Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Wood, with its lake and wildlife (another good walk, on another day). The route bypasses this entrance and goes straight on across more fields to reach Ravenstone. At wet times of the year, that part can also be very muddy.

The rest of the route as shown is easy, along good paths and passing long the eastern edge of Snibston Country Park, past the Football ground. An alternative is to go along the western edge of the Park, and emerge at the Park entrance next to the pithead / winding gear on Ashby Road.

Overall, a good route - fairly direct and practical, and pleasant in the summer months.

J w ollid

25 Feb 2023 Winter

This is a good direct route.Tracks and arable fields with asmall amount of safe pavement walking form the route which is generally straightforward to follow.There is plenty of evidence of past industrial activity,Ravenstone has some interesting buildings and history (hospital lane area)No access or obstruction issues,reasonable public transport links at either end.


06 Nov 2022 Autumn

I walked Coalville to Ashby on a day following a fair amount of rain so in places the path was muddy. It was a surprise to find this a mainly countryside walk of arable fields or tracks so no cattle on the route. Occasional stiles and limited services. A very pleasant walk.

Leaving Coalville along an urban route passing the old Rex cinema and terrace houses with decorative lintels the footpath bypasses the security gate to the sports ground. With new houses on the left the Slow Way heads onward while an alternative sustrans route forks right both lead to Ravenstone.

A short pavement walk and a safe road crossing lead into the village where Main Street has interesting houses. Turning at the church into Hospital Lane we pass the delightful Ravenstone Hospital commenced in 1718 at the bequest of John and Rebecca Wilkins of Ravenstone Hall.

Opposite the lane end a footpath leads to fields where we encountered some mud before meeting a Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) fortunately little evidence of 'all traffic' and a barrier later prevents access for some users. There is also to the left a waymarked footpath on the opposite side of the hedge which currently has open views. This is all Woodland Trust so when the newly planted saplings grown the view will be lost.

I said no cattle but the tall fencing either side of the track keeps Deer and Bison in their rightful place. Hill Farm offers a cafe which might be worth investigating. Solar panels and the Zenobe Battery Energy Store offer evidence of agricultural diversification here. The farm approach road was narrow but had little traffic. We left the road to take an invisible cross field path, this misses Packington but a visit to the village would be a road walk.

The bridleway close to the A42 was noisy but still pleasant and well walked. The approach to Ashby is along the road then onto the wide footpath, Mount Walk with views of the castle remains.

The draft walk went through the churchyard then along South Street but the route now goes via the shops along Market Street.

  • histman


    15 Nov 2022

    Thanks Ken, Packington is a nice place, any reason you didn't go through it on the way to Ashby?

  • Ken


    16 Nov 2022

    No reason you are welcome to submit a differnt route.

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John Johnson

06 Nov 2022 Autumn

Nice Pics !.

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